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Fly Tying Kits
JAN 27/18
I got tired of fly tying kits that either didnt have the proper materials for tying the example patterns or had such poor quality materials that you had a heck of a time tying a decent pattern- And when you went to tie another common pattern from the book, you discovered you would have to run to the nearest fly shop to get more stuff.
- So here's my solution I make up individual packs for $10
- Includes 10 hooks & materials to tie the fly
- Proper size thread for the selected fly.
- Quantity of materials will tie at least 24 flies or more
- Also includes one of the fly patterns for reference
Patterns include:
- deer hair bass bug
- wooly bugger
- streamer black nose dace or mickey finn,
- Nymph Hendrickson, Gold ribbed hares ear nymph or pheasant tail
- Dry Fly with Dry Hackle Light cahill. Bivisible or Adams
- Dry fly with CDC Light cahill Caddis emerger
- Foam Bug
- Leech Black/Red with bead head
- Leech Cone head rabbit strip leech in black olive or purple
I have a couple decent instruction books for those who would like an easy to follow book for starting tying
- Serge Instruction book- $10 includes tying for 3 patterns Streamer, Bivisible dy fly & Wooly bugger
- Wapsi Fly Tying Handbook $14 Full color includes tying instructions & 17 fly patterns
- Fly Tying Clear & Simple /Skip Morris $25 80 pages of great instruction
If you need tools to get started:
- For $15 will send you scissors, bobbin to hold thread, bodkin to apply cement & hackle pliers
- If you want hair stacker for deer hair add $5.00
- I have fly vises starting at $20 up for clamp to table style- $35 up for Pedestal type for table top
Can not ship Head cement thru mail. If you are not near a fly shop get Sally Hansen Hard as Nails at the drug store (works fine).
Cheers & Good Luck!