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Stillwater Solutions
OCT 2019 My Canadian supplier no longer handles Stillwater Solutions
I do have some stock left but supplies are limited
STILLWATER SOLUTIONS RECIPES by Brian Chan & Phil Rowley $29.95
Volume 1 30 proven patterns. This excellent spiral bound, stand up manual has step by step instructions tp tie 30 stillwater patterns to cover all seasons of the year. This is the companion book to go along with their excellent and well thought out variety of tying materials. The book also includes instructions to use the magic tool and the turbo dubbing block two great innovations to make your tying more efficient and satisfying. Also includes invaluable information on the food groups and using the imitations.
TYING & FISHING STILLWATER FLIES by Brian Chan and Jack Dennis $24.95
Brian Chan reveals some of his favoite stillwater secrets, tips and techniques and shows why proper material selection is a key component for stillwater success. He also explains a wealth of presentation techniques and tactics to use for each pattern so the fisher knows what to do with each
Stillwater MaterialsSEP 17 SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED
1 Grizzly Marabou 2 Long Marabou 3 Strung Marabou 4 Partridge 5 Pheasant tail 6 Mottled Turkey Flats 7 Mottled Turkey Quills 8 Ostrich Herl 9 Sparkle Blend Dubbing 10 Soft Bland Dubbing 11 SW Dubbing Assortment 12 Crystal Chenille 13 Midge Flex 14 Midge Stretch Fkoss 15 Midge Braid 16 Midge Gill 17 Superwhite Beads
1 Grizzly Marabou $2.49
Barred effect matches mottling on many stillwater food sources such as damsels and leeches
1 Callibaetis 2 Olive Dun 3 Natual 4 Light Olive 5 Olive 6 Tan
2 Long Marabou $3.15
Good for long tails on minnows
1 Callibaetis 2 Olive Dun 3 Brown 4 Light Olive 5 OLive 6 Tan
3 Strung Marabou $2.29
Select marabou ideal for bodies on Mayflies, Damsels, leeches, scuds
1 Golden Olive 2 Black 3 Olive Dun 4 Light Olive 5 Brown 6 Dark Olive 7 Burnt Orange 8 OLive 9 Claret 10 Callibaetis 12 Tan
4 Partridge $2.95
Soft texture is good choice for tail, throats, wet hackles; larva pupa & nymph patterns
1 Callibaetis 2 Olive 3 Olive Dun 4 Light Olive 5 Tan
5 Pheasant Tail $4.95
Ideal for chirognomy body or downwing spratley
1 Claret over bleached 2 Light Olive over bleached 3 Olive Dun over bleached
6 Mottled Turkey Flats $3.90
Mottling is great for tails & legs on mayfly and damselfly patterns
1 Callibaetis 2 Light Olive 3 Olive 4 Olive Dun 5 Tan
7 Mottled Turkey Quills pair $4.50
Good wing cases and bodies for stillwater. Tie in by tips for slender mottled callibaetis bodies
1 Callibaetis 2 Olive 3 Light OLive 4 Olive Dun 5 Tan
8 Ostrich Herl $3.30
selected for smaller patterns ideal for callobaetis nymphs, scud, damselflies, waterboatman
1 Bleached White, 2 Olive 3 OLive Dun 4 Callibaetis, 5 Brown 6 Tan
9 Sparkle Blend Dubbing
Color selection, fibre length & texture of this special blend is designed to create the perfect dubbed leech body & other stillwater patterns
1 Maroon/Purple 2 Maroon/Black 3 Callibaetis 4 Dark Olive Green 5 Dark Red Brown 6 Dark Summer Duck 7 Light Olive 8 Olive Dun 9 Maroon 10 Black 11 Olive 12 Brown 13 Tan
10 Soft Blend Dubbing $2.95
for small patterns, blend of natural and synthetic fibers
1 Callibaetis/Tan 2 Dark Summer Duck 3 Dark Olive Green 4 Maroon 5 Olive Dun 6 Olive
11 Stillwater Solutions Dubbing Assortment $22.50
12 colors ( the 6 Soft Blend and 6 of the Sparkle Blend
12 Crystal Chenille Small $2.59 Medium $2.90
Spin with sparkle dub, small for chironomid body
1 Peacock Green 2 Light Olive 3 Olive 4 Golden Olive 6 OLive Dun 7 Claret 8 Callibaetis 9 Brown
13 Midge Flex 1/8" 1/4" $2.05
Slight transparent nature lets tyer alter the final color of a chirognomy pupa, larva or other invertebrate using tying threads
1 Summer Duck 2 Callibaetis Green 3 Callibaetis 4 Dark Olive Green 5 Dark Red Brown 6 Dark Summer Duck 7 Olive Dun 8 Summer Duck 9 Light Olive 10 Olive 11 Maroon 12 Gray 13 Dark Olive 14 Black 15 Brown 16 Red
14 Midge Stretch Floss $2.95
selected specifically for use in chironomid pupa patterns, trout focus on color size particularly when there are more than one emerging at the same time
1 Callibaetis 2 Chaoborus Green 3 Dark Summer Duck 4 Summer Duck 5 Dark Olive Green 6 Dark Red Brown 7 Olive Dun 8 Black 9 Dark OLive 10 Light OLive 11 OLive 12 Gray 13 Maroon 14 Brown 15 Red
15 Midge Braid $2.19
use 2 strands for chironomids vary thread color for tones
1 Black 2 Crimson 3 Dark Olive
16 Midge Gill $1.50
Supple,durable white trilobal yarn gives subtlr reflective highlightd for prominent white gills, common to chironomid pupa
SuperWhite Beads $5.30
imitates white chironomid gills
Small 7/64 hook 12 up
XSm 3/32 hook 14 down
17 Superwhite Beads $5.30
Imitate white chironomid gills
Small 7/64 hook 12 up
XSmall 3/32 hook 14 down